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Browsing Tezler by Subject "Machine learning"

Browsing Tezler by Subject "Machine learning"

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  • Erol, Aydın (2022)
    Methods of machine learning have shown significant progress in the last decade. The number and quality of applications of these methods in various fields of physics are also increasing. Machine learning algorithms are ...
  • Hanifi, Khadija (2020)
    Falling is the main cause of disability and fatality of elderly. In this work, 24 GHz continuous wave Doppler radar is used to develop a low price fall detection system. Radar sensor is selected due to its capability of ...
  • Pashaei, Elham (2017)
    Due to an explosion in the quantity of DNA sequences over the past decades, development of new methods to accurately detect the genes is vital. The success of these methods strongly depends on precise identification of the ...

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